1 C. nuts of your choince (I like macadamia and Cashew)
Dried fruit (about 4 of some dry fruit)
2 tbsp. sunflour lecithin
1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. vanilla
Sweetener to taste ( I use one whole eyedropper of liquid stevia)
1.6L filtered (or ro) water
I came up with this recipe to help my homeade nut milks to last longer. By default most nuts aren't sanitized. I just add 'blanching' or "boiling" to ingredents to make things more sterlile like.
Normally I use 1C of nuts per 1.6l of water. I tend to 1/2 and 1/2 with my favourite varities. Take nuts, and dried fruit, and drop into boiling water for about 60 seconds. Remove from hot water (with a nice fine strainer) and then add to SoyJoy G5 nutmilk maker, and put on 'Raw Milk' cycle. Strain per usual. The milk will laster longer in the fridge (also it will protect you against unwanted pathogens in the nuts (at least partially!)